Monday 12 April 2010

How to be extraordinary

How to Create an Extraordinary Life

Ten (not so) Easy Steps

We all want to know who we are, what makes us unique and how we can succeed at the game of life. So our ten steps guide you from discovering your potential to realizing it out in the real world. They outline a step by step process for creating your destiny and winning at the game of life.

There is nothing magical about these ten steps -- just as there is nothing magical about a set of winning moves in chess or how the notes are arranged in Beethoven's 5th Symphony.

Techniques for how to answer the most basic questions about ourselves ...
Who am I?
What makes me unique?
Where do I belong?
Who am I meant to become?
How can I make my dreams come true?

... are scattered across the globe in every culture. However, they are often buried so deep in folklore and rituals, that if you are not trained to see them -- they are hard to recognize. As children we are steeped in stories about rites and ideas of how to live a life of greatness. But as we grow up, we often focus on the urgent demands of daily life and forget to think about how to find our own answers to the basic questions above.

Take a moment and think about it. Do you have a good answer to the simple questions above? If you are like most people, you may not even have a clue where to start.

So we developed a universal process to help -- our ten steps that work regardless of your age, race, religion, gender, culture or life experience. A process that defines every major step along the path, starting with learning who you are and deciding what to do with that knowledge. Once you have chosen the destiny you want, the next steps help you envision a path to take you there and acquire the life skills you need to excel at the life you have chosen. And once you have started on your journey, we guide you through the ups and downs along the way.

Take a moment to look over our ten steps to an extraordinary life and see if you think they will work for you.

1. Discover Your Potential

Figuring out what Your Potential is helps you solve the puzzle of who you are, what makes you unique and who you can become.

2. Choose Your Destiny
If you work out what your fate is and Choose Your Destiny, it helps you explore all the possibilities your potential offers and create a clear vision of who you want to become.

3. Identify Your Life path
Map our Life Path and you can turn your vision of who you want to become into a plan to acquire the skills, knowledge, experiences and resources you need to do what you love.

4. Prepare For Your Destiny
Preparing For Your Destiny helps you get to work preparing for who you want to be and the extraordinary life you want to live
5. Begin Your Adventure
Next, you need to start living the adventure you dream of by starting to use your gifts and talents to live your with purpose.

6. Overcome Your Obstacles
The sixth step helps you apply practical wisdom to overcome the obstacles that spring up along your way.

7. Face Your Challenge
Every life has challenges to* overcome, an extraordinary life gives you extraordinary challenges to deal with. assists you in dealing successfully with the problems, issues and needs on your path.

8. Find Your Treasure
This step helps you recognize opportunities, create meaning, and acquire all the things you seek in life.

9. Live An Extraordinary Life
Here is where you begin to live the life you want, and this step assists you in fine tuning the extraordinary life you have created.

10. Begin Your Next Adventure
You are ready to evolve, and with that comes to need to discover more about yourself so your extraordinary life can evolve with you.

The Next Step

As I’ve worked with clients over the years, the same issues seem to pop up. Here is an overview of 10 ways to live an extraordinary life – from the shifts that my clients (and myself) have made! Enjoy!
Love: even the people you don’t like. Everyone teaches you something about yourself and if you look hard enough, there is something about them that you can appreciate. Even yourself when needed!
Work on your strengths, not your weaknesses. We can only get so good at our weaknesses, so manage them – but focus on your strengths and the sky is the limit! *Like this tip? Try reading Now, Discover Your Strengths by Marcus Buckingham*
Take responsibility for what you feel. No one else can ever make you feel a certain way. It’s the way you interpret and internalize what is happening. No more blaming or making excuses. *Like this tip? Try reading The Success Principles by Jack Canfield*
Know what you mean and say it! We expend a lot of energy holding grudges for situations that the other person has long forgotten, waiting for someone else to guess what we want and hoping things will just change on their own. Remember that everyone thinks differently and very few of us can read minds. Our lives would all be a lot more fulfilling if we took the time to understand what we want in any given situation and then provided an explanation to those around us who could help foster the change. *Like this tip? Try reading The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz and The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman*
Stop procrastinating. Do the hardest thing on your list first every morning. Get it out of the way so it doesn’t take up valuable energy throughout the day that you could be using to steamroll ahead on the things you love to do. *Like this tip? Try reading Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy*
Step through fear. Fear and excitement carry the same vibration. Fear is man made. Every time you step through fear, your tolerance grows and before long fear is seldom an issue. Picture a protective circle around you and each time you step into something that causes fear, that circle gets bigger.
Stop tolerating. People or things. If you don’t like it, if it annoys you, if you are trying to ignore it, just take care of it. Be done with it for good b/c it’s taking up valuable space in your subconscious. And don’t forget…the subconscious rules!
Follow your heart. Have good boundaries between personal life and work life, but make sure that what you do is an extension of yourself and your heart.
Tap into your senses. Engage your five senses every day (and your sixth sense). Be aware of what you experience. Eat slower, taste more. Breathe in the smells of spring. Feel when someone hugs you, or when you put your toes in the grass. Listen without judgment or personal intention to what someone is saying to you. See what is around you – what colors are you attracted to? What catches your eye? What intuitive feelings do you get from the people you meet? Challenge whatever sense you feel you’re neglecting…focus your attention there for a week and see what happens.


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